Sune T. B. Nielsen

Sune T. B. Nielsen's work is primarily based in the duo g h o s t h e a d p h o n e s. Here the instruments are bass, sine wave geneator, PC, radio, tape recorders and other electronics-scrap. The other half of the duo is Tobias Kirstein (drums, reel-to-reel tape recorder, radio and elecronics-scrab as well).

From 1991 through 1997 Sune T. B. Nielsen played the bass in "Henning" (with Michael Rasmussen (gui), Jakob Schausen (gui), Thomas Drewsen (voc), Bo Hørmark(dr)).

Since 1996 he played the bass in "Pulver" (with Tobias Kirstein (dr, reel-to-reel), Sture Ericson (sax), Jacob Kirkegaard (gui, sampl))

In "Congo Headphones" he plays tape recorder, radio, sine wavw generator and assorted guitar-ecffets together with Tobias Kirstein (same instruments).

Has from 2000 on been playng the bass in "The Insects" (with Tobias Kirstein (dr, reel-to-reel), Troels Holmstrøm (gui), Jørgen Teller (gui)).

Besides these he has worked together width the french musicians Anne-Sophie Millet (oboe, reel-to-reel, radio) and Cyril Hory (oboe) and danish Rasmus Brandt ("ræs", +..).