
Jakob Draminsky Højmark

Jakob Draminsky Højmark (born in Copenhagen 1959)

Self taught composer and musician with interests in Stage Music, Electro acoustics, Musique concréte, InterMedia and improvisation. Author of six chamber operas, some in collaboration with "Musikteatret Undergrunden" Danish writer Peter Laugesen and Catalan writer Enric Casasses.

More than a couple of compositions for classical chamber constellations he has created a series of acousmatic 8 channel works that investigate the possibilities in digital processing of the human voice.

As an instrumentalist he has among others performed several years as sideman for French pianist Pascal Comelade, as well as doing solo concerts that combine his main instruments; the bass-clarinet & the sopranino-saxophone with computertechnology.

He has also realized a series of live "concrete - sound"; projects based on sounds from minor and medium size construction equipment.

He has also done soundtracks for videos and theatre and released 5 CDs of his own works.

Since 1990 he has been associated with the experimental music scene in Barcelona.

more information on www.multisounds.dk