Harald me. VIUFF

Composer, Sculptor, Pyro technician, Diver, Musician etc.
Has done several big projects, a/o. Hydronorts (Kulturby '96), Katedral '91 (Ridehuset Århus), 3-Dimension (Århus festuge), KlipKlapTown (DR P1).
Has served apprenticeship as composer with specialty in algorithmic real-time composing, a/o. on the Danish Institute of Electro Acoustic Music in Århus.
Has for several years lived in Paris, where he was house composer for the American theater "The Gare st. Lazare Players"
Has spent 1½ year in Africa with base in Johannesburg, traveled 40000 km in an old Land Rover together with a tape recorder, in some of the most remote areas of the southern Africa.
Has made several fountains which has been exhibited in St. Petersburg and at Århus Festuge.
Educated as professional diver, with specialty in underwater photography and reporting and in underwater pyrotechnics.
As musician he mostly plays new improvisational music on soprano and tenor saxophone, piano, and his trio "V3" also on "Saxopet": a trumpet with sax mouthpiece. He also plays "Dhung" (conch horn from Tibet) and "Blues harp".
Presently lives in Copenhagen with studio on the LAB.